Soul Healing Blog

Insightful soul healing articles


Japanese people, especially those who live in Okinawa, seem to enjoy longer, happier and disease-free lives than those in the West. This has now been attributed to a concept referred to as "Ikigai," which translates to "the reason for being/waking up". The five main...

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The Gift of Hope
The Gift of Hope

I’ve been thinking a lot about the word ‘hope’ recently and the power hope has to keep us optimistic or just keep going in difficult times. The opposite of hope, ‘hopeless’, has its own darker power and is synonymous with words like despair, despondency and wretched....

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Rediscovering Our Soul Senses
Rediscovering Our Soul Senses

We’re all familiar with our seven bodily senses; touch, taste, smell etc but what about our Soul Body Senses?  These Senses help us to explore deeper levels of our existence.  They are instrumental in allowing us to feel whole whilst recognising the...

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