In the Presence of Angels
Some people come into our life when we need them most, even if we don’t consciously realise we’ve been looking for them. They may be with us for just a few moments, several months or years or for most of our life. These people are often our most valuable...
A Window in Time
There is a window in time which we have in this physical incarnation to remember who we are. Each lifetime, short or long, is an opportunity to rediscover our purpose to grow into the unlimited space and light of the Soul; to become conscious of becoming pure...
The Art of Life
Our world appears to be topsy turvy right now. It is awash with fear, anger and anxiety. Where does that leave us? How do we navigate through this time without getting bogged down by everything that’s happening globally and the effect that has on...
“What you see depends not only on what you look AT but also, on where you look FROM”James Deacon After days of torrential rain in New South Wales and so many homes all over the state affected, I imagine there must have been countless conversations this week which have...