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“What you see depends not only on what you look AT but also, on where you look FROM”
James Deacon
After days of torrential rain in New South Wales and so many homes all over the state affected, I imagine there must have been countless conversations this week which have ended in the same sentiment…. “But let’s put things in perspective, think of those poor people in Lismore… or those in Ukraine…. What have I got to complain about?” But does that really make us feel any better about our own situation? Perhaps. It certainly, in many cases, helps us realise that we have much to be grateful for.
Trying to put things in perspective is rather different to changing our perspective, which is more about finding something positive in a difficult situation rather than comparing our own to someone else’s. It’s often not something we think about until we’re in the middle of something challenging or even looking back at it – uncovering a bright side or a silver lining. At the very least, our struggles and sorrows are so often our greatest lessons in life if we are prepared to learn from them, and almost certainly an opportunity for growth.
Discerning the role of challenges and heartaches as well as the good things that happen to us in our lives can help clarify our path and purpose. Paulo Coelho’s quote, “Not all storms come to disrupt your life – some come to clear your path”, is all about perspective.
Can you think back to where life has seemed difficult or even unbearable and, if you haven’t already, see if you can uncover the blessings that have come from them, even if it’s simply finding some peace amidst the pain?
Finally, our perspective changes depending on how we see and react to everything in our life. Every day, we look through a lens that’s slanted by our beliefs, experiences, opinions and conditioning. Our mind’s eye can be full of judgement, and we actually miss what’s true because our judgement is clouded. When we learn to look through the untainted lens of a clear and pure heart, we can see the truth. This doesn’t mean we won’t experience pain and heartache in our lives, but it does mean we have the clarity to see things for what they really are.
With love and light, Kate and Judi