As years go, 2020 has certainly been like no other – a washing machine of ‘topsiturviness’ for everyone. My initial glee at having my whole family with me each and every hour has now begun to fade as the realism that my husband’s job will probably never return to an office scenario leaving him ensconced in the lounge at his impromptu desk until retirement; my son at uni struggles with his practical subjects online, whilst my other son, who was meant to be overseas, now games almost continually it seems. My girth has definitely increased and I think even the pets have gained weight. Meanwhile around us, economies crumble and industries collapse. The shifting sands of what was once known is no longer solid and we need to negotiate new ways forward for everyone.
Whilst we experience this time of resetting and stillness, it is imperative that we do the innerwork necessary to prepare us going forward. With the new moon on 21 July, it is a great time to reset things that are not in alignment in our lives. One way to do this is through ritual. Even simply holding an intention whilst lighting a candle can focus thought and ensures the universe is listening. As you do the actions, remember to hold on to the moment and breathe it into the very centre of your being. Say your intention out loud if you wish or read something that has a resonance for you at this time. Here is a suggestion – if it feels right at this time.
I honour the four directions of Earth, Fire, Air and Water and ask that your Lightworkers and Gatekeepers protect me and my loved ones from anything that is not essential for our growth and development.
I bless my soul’s essence.
I respect and love myself.
I honour the Divinity in me and in others.
I understand myself
I know who I am
I am free and willing to experience all that life holds.
And so it is.
End the ritual with gratitude and thanks to all that is. Let the candle burn itself out if possible or sprinkle with water to end if necessary.
Blessings to all.
Judi & Kate